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March 27, 2008


Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 27, 2008
7:00 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Nick Lewis, Betsy Horne, Jeff Barz-Snell, John Hayes, Rick Nye
Members not in attendance: Adam Segal, Rob DeRosier

Meeting Start:  7:20 pm  

Meeting minutes were reviewed and approved for the February 21, 2008 meeting with some minor changes.   

Presentation by the Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc. (POAH)
Representatives from the Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc. (POAH) presented to the members of the Renewable Energy Task Force their plans for a proposed met tower at Fairweather Apartments, located at 40 Rear Highland Avenue.  The representatives asked the members of the RETF for their advice going forward with the project on how best to communicate their plans and garner support within the community.  After providing their thoughts and recommendations, the RETF voted to officially support the project and would write a letter of support for their upcoming meeting with the Zoning Board of Appeals (April 16th), for which they will need approval from in order to erect the tower.  

Living Green & Renewable Energy Fair
The group reviewed and approved the draft palm card for the Fair (June 14th 2008 from 10 am – 3 pm) for which the Chamber of Commerce had produced.  Betsy asked Tom to check to see if Old Town Hall has WiFi access.  

Green-Up Campaign
The deadline for Green-Up is April 30th.  Tom said he will do an email blast about the Green-Up campaign and refer people to SAFE’s website for further information.  

Earth Day
The City of Salem will be co-hosting an Earth Day event at the Carlton School which is planned for Thursday, April 17, 2008.  Events will be planned throughout the day for the students and the City will be hosting their session during the evening from 6 – 8:30 pm.  On hand will be City staff, members of various City committees (Recycling, Renewable Energy, Conservation, etc.), the City’s hybrid vehicle, a Big belly, as well as recycling bins, composters and rain barrels for sale.  A presentation from Barbara Warren will highlight the evening.  

John also shared with the group the flyer for Earth day events at Salem State College.  

John asked that the RETF take a formal stand in addressing the issue of the noise coming from the roof turbine at the Carlton School.  Tom will talk to Paul L’Hereux about what is being done to address this issue.  

Jeff had mentioned at this time that he would like to see a demonstration wind turbine erected in Riley Plaza.  He will talk to both the Mayor and Groom Energy about this.  

Wind Turbine Ordinance
The RETF planned to set up a special meeting to discuss the draft wind turbine ordinance for Wednesday April 30th, 2008.  Tom will email the rest of the group to see if this date works.  

Other Business
Rick mentioned that MassSave came to his house and did an energy audit (air sealer test, checked insulation, etc.).  Nick said the process was very educational and he will do a write up on it.  

Tom will check with Frank Taoromina of the City’s Planning Department to talk about the ads for the Big Belly’s and including the Big Belly’s along the Bike Path with this initiative.  

Jeff said it will be nice to have an editorial from the RETF in the local news around Earth Day.  He will talk to Cindy about this.  
Jeff presented the group with three (3) draft Green-Up decals from Katie Giddings.  The group reviewed the decals and voted on decal #3.  

Action Items
·       Cindy will draft a letter of support to POAH
·       RETF members will try to make the community meetings and ZBA meeting in support of the POAH project
·       Tom will do an email blast about the Green-Up campaign
·       Tom will check on what’s being done to address the noise emitting from the roof wind turbine at the Carlton School
·       Jeff will talk to Groom Energy and the Mayor for his idea about a demonstration turbine at Riley Plaza
·       Tom will set up a special meeting to discuss the draft wind turbine ordinance
·       Tom will check on WiFi access at Old Town Hall
·       Rick will do a write up on the energy audit performed on his house by MassSave
·       Tom will check with Frank T. on the Bike Path Big Belly’s and placing ads on them
·       Jeff will talk to Cindy about writing an editorial around Earth Day

Meeting Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins
Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm